Plot Summary : Kei (Rina Takeda) joins a karate dojo and quickly proves herself to be the most skilled fighter amongst all her male peers. However, her sensei Matsumura still refuses to give her the coveted black belt until she learns all the kata (forms). Too impatient to wait any longer, Kei hastily joins a fighting group called the Destroyers. The Destroyers don’t care about anything but fighting and earning money, and this suits Kei just fine. But when she finds out their true purpose to destroy Matsumura she decides she must do whatever it takes to put a stop to them...
Genre: Action, Martial Art
Director: Fuyuhiko Nishi
# Rina Takeda - Kei Tsuchiya
# Tatsuya Naka - Yoshiaki Matsumura
# Masahiro Sudo
# Kazuma Yamane
# Mayu Gamou
Release year: 2009
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
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